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It's (almost) Time to Fish

Spring is nudging its way up here. I'm hoping to get on the water this weekend. Yep, before April. Just about a month early. Rain or shine. Time to hustle on the boat and gear prep. I've been dithering a bit, thinking this is false spring. It's not. Megunticook Lake, just up the road, has thawed. I drive the shore everyday and everyday I wish I was fishing instead of driving.

First things first, there's a to do list that needs tending to. I like to start with rods and reels then lines- filling spools and cleaning fly lines. Terminal tackle and lures are next. Once the gear is sorted and stowed the documentation (registration, guide license, captain's license) goes in a waterproof satchel and stowed, but easily accessible. After a few fishing sessions for the new season a bit of reorganizing happens, because there's always room for improvement. Anglers are always tweaking gear, anything to get more bites, I'm no different. The thing is, as a guide, at ice out, you gotta be prepared for anything and any fish.

I love this tricky part of the season because big fish are the reward-it's northern pike, lake trout, browns, brooks and 'bows, then the bass wake up. Just when you figure them out the weather flips the script-big wind days, a frigid cold front, a snow squall and it's back to the drawing board. Piecing together the fish bite puzzle is a fluid process, keeping your gear in order allows for more fishing and less rumagging. I'm all for more fishing. See you on the water.

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